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Good information is essential for effective operation and decision making at all levels of businesses and sport. Understanding the effectiveness of cleaning teams, laundry operatives and even contract caterers is vital in managing the day to day running of many modern businesses or sports clubs.


VeriFy provides managers with the information they need to effectively monitor hygiene levels within the building and manage their resources.


VeriFy Uses data collected by our qualified Technicians to generate a statistical based report collating our experience in both food based and cleaning industries with effective ATP monitoring reinforced up by microbiological slides and UV photographic evidence.

The report uses the data collected and compares it with industry guidelines from the NHS, HSE, BS 8580-1:2019 Legionella Code of Practice, BS EN 14065,  Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 and the Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regs 2013 to deliver an overall hygiene standard rating for your building or area. The software has a useful audit feature that allows the historical data to report by area or function.

  • Standards expressed as Excellent, Pass, Caution and Immediate Action

  • Collects data from three disciplines, General, Catering, Medical

  • Unlimited areas for greater analysis

  • Provides historical data to monitor improvement

  • Provides useful evidence for your Corporate Governance

  • Includes certificate of achievement 

  • Provides an audit trail by area or function

Verify can be used on its own or included as part of Genica's Infection Prevention Service.

To find out how VeriFy can give you the information you need, contact us now.



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2020 Copyright Genica Environmental

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